Mark's Cybersecurity Write-Ups

Cyber Apocalypse 2023 - Crypto - Small StEps

As you continue your journey, you must learn about the encryption method the aliens used to secure their communication from eavesdroppers. The engineering team has designed a challenge that emulates the exact parameters of the aliens’ encryption system, complete with instructions and a code snippet to connect to a mock alien server. Your task is to break it.

In this challenge we are given a ZIP file containing a copy of the python script running on the server, and some guidance on connecting to this server, and an example script that can interface with the server.


from Crypto.Util.number import getPrime, bytes_to_long

FLAG = b"HTB{???????????????}"
assert len(FLAG) == 20

class RSA:

    def __init__(self):
        self.q = getPrime(256)
        self.p = getPrime(256)
        self.n = self.q * self.p
        self.e = 3

    def encrypt(self, plaintext):
        plaintext = bytes_to_long(plaintext)
        return pow(plaintext, self.e, self.n)

def menu():
    print('[E]ncrypt the flag.')
    print('[A]bort training.\n')
    return input('> ').upper()[0]

def main():
    print('This is the second level of training.\n')
    while True:
        rsa = RSA()
        choice = menu()

        if choice == 'E':
            encrypted_flag = rsa.encrypt(FLAG)
            print(f'\nThe public key is:\n\nN: {rsa.n}\ne: {rsa.e}\n')
            print(f'The encrypted flag is: {encrypted_flag}\n')
        elif choice == 'A':
            print('\nInvalid choice!\n')

if __name__ == '__main__':

I didn’t use the other provided files.

We can see that this script is an implementation of RSA encryption.

Simplifying the script a bit, I came up with this:

from Crypto.Util.number import getPrime, bytes_to_long, long_to_bytes
class RSA:

    def __init__(self):
        self.q = getPrime(256)
        self.p = getPrime(256)
        self.n = self.q * self.p
        self.e = 3

    def encrypt(self, plaintext):
        plaintext = bytes_to_long(plaintext)
        return pow(plaintext, self.e, self.n)

rsa = RSA()
input = b"test"
encrypted_flag = rsa.encrypt(input)
print(f'\nThe public key is:\n\nN: {rsa.n}\ne: {rsa.e}\n')
print(f'The encrypted flag is: {encrypted_flag}\n')

When run, it will encrypt test.

The public key is:

N: 6433197468957839634979356806325034295851393967889439566608909663068592908614522335752620182028132934720937783012543858842379463872027766831216259043031269
e: 3

The encrypted flag is: 7446927644895231780144668992

And running it again (without modifying anything):

The public key is:

N: 7750191018245181292369786643217451846226706101786617449027698130571605216424438557745022024913956128589589783135780681404953208140633783218166986053557979
e: 3

The encrypted flag is: 7446927644895231780144668992

Notice that the encrypted flag stayed the same, despite the key changing - surely a sign something is broken.

If we change the value for e in the script to a larger number, the ciphertext changes every time (as it should).

So, if the server was going to tell me the ciphertext, I wanted to grab that to start working with it - I used nc to connect to the provided container instance, and retrieved the ciphertext.

This is the second level of training.

[E]ncrypt the flag.
[A]bort training.

> e

The public key is:

N: 5542679116094454612809750244212414331203931791667935972462032646395054511313670594733521923965979886466515424714259967172823008801418001034394935217197567
e: 3

The encrypted flag is: 70407336670535933819674104208890254240063781538460394662998902860952366439176467447947737680952277637330523818962104685553250402512989897886053

[E]ncrypt the flag.
[A]bort training.


Selecting e again gives me the exact same ciphertext again, as expected.


At this point I noticed that in the script, we know that the flag is 20 characters long (5 of which would be “HTB{“ and “}”, so I considered making a brute-force script, but decided to learn about math instead.

I spent more time than I’d care to admit trying to get the cube-root of the given number and convert it into text, but kept running into encoding/decoding problems where Python would round the number when I didn’t want it to, and it couldn’t be decoded into a string. I got as far as decoding HTB{, so I knew I was on the right track, and just needed to understand Python better.

When I had enough of that, I went to Wolfram Alpha and just asked it to do the math for me, correctly assuming that it would give me the full value. The prompt I used was:

What is 70407336670535933819674104208890254240063781538460394662998902860952366439176467447947737680952277637330523818962104685553250402512989897886053 to the power of 1/3

and the result was:

Small StEps


and converting this into a string, we get the key:

from Crypto.Util.number import getPrime, bytes_to_long, long_to_bytes

from_wolfram_alpha = 412926389432612660984016953290834154417829082237